Dendera, 666 and sacred geometry (Gematria = Deata > Dea > Dje Matria)


HAM ...
CAPRA = goat and  ..SATAN ..
Santa is SATAN ..(anagram)
Santa is Djed SUS (Djed above= MC) .
Djed = Orion and the Djed pillar = stars Meissa and Alnilam (the head andthe middle star of Orion's belt)
 Santa has 9 reindeer =  9th great year. 
The  two snakes have NINE tongues on V4TIC4N flag, indicating the same great year- 9. 
Dendera layout. 




 3 + 3 statues on the facade 
Great year 33
Together, they make 6. 
So, 33.6 

33 eras = 33 grand years x 25772 solar years.

The first hall has 24 columns = 24 great years.

.There is a marking between 3 and 4 because Matria started to expand her civilisation (which was solely on her TERRITORY from TE RA TE RA). 

The second hall has 6 columns.

great year 25 for Matria Esh = great year 1 for Terra. 

Great year 30 for Matria Esh = great year 6 for Terra.

 sasa, thus viking SessRUMNIR -  era 6 Ramanat=Deata=Orion (Gemini), the symbol is linked to Freya. That's about 97kya! 

e RAC TRITI >>> e lec trici (ty) = 30 RAC/Cancer (and Hall 2, column 30(6) is where the light bulb appears). That's over 72kya!

Great years 31, 32 and 33 have their own halls.

What I marked with BLUE represents era 33 for Matria Esh ..
These are the ages that appear on the plan: 
33 Gemini (DEATA) = 1 in blue
33 Taurus (Hera) = 2 in blue
33 Aries (ATENA) = 3 in blue
33 Pisces (Deneb???) =4 in blue
33 Aquarius (ANAT) = 5 in blue and it is MARKED in another plan..
33 CAPRICORN (HAMAT..HAM) = 6 in blue ..which is MARKED in another plan I found...There are details missing from this plan = precisely the small chambers of  what I marked 6 with blue (Era 33 Capricorn)
 The temple ends with ATI (Spica), age of LIBRA
ATI is SPICA = is currently at Libra 24...
ECAT =  Virgo 3 ...
There are  51 degrees from Virgo 3 to Libra 24 (27 from Virgo + 24 from Libra).

x 72 years = 3672 years ..
that is the MOST RECENT time the temple could have been built ..
And since it includes Libra ...the Temple of Dendera was built between c 5400 to c 3672 years ago.
The code 666 refers to CAPRICORN ..
the goat > god
The SNAKE (Sata > Saturn, the planet that rules Capricorn) 
and Beetle HAM  (which was slightly altered in spelling) 
Era 33.6 = Beetle HAM  = everything from Anatolia is dated to c 12000 years ago ..and it is linked to this ..
the Shigir idol and all bar bar > bal bal idols are the same cult.
The birth of Beetle Ham ..originated from Nashira (Nazareth) which was the star closest to Virgo 3 (VIrgo MATRIA) 12800 years ago.
Beetle HAM =  star Betel guese  conjunct Capriucorn 3.
Nashira very close to Virgo 3.  It indicates Age of Anat RA or RA ANAT for Virgo Matria (Age of Aquarius. Anatolia is named after the astrological age of Virgo Matria = Matria Esh ..and not the astrological age of Terra, which at the time was Virgo by the way)
It is all about astrology :) 
Oh, and the Dendera zodiac has some text that is transliterated as 
Masons existed over 3672 years ago. 
The Dendera zodiac marks the solstice point for Matria Esh (Gemini 3) and Capra Esh = Capricorn 3 (it is zero for the actual solstice, but they use the 3rd degree ....because it's linked to when they '''rose from the dead'' ..and appeared to ''come back to life'''
That was circa 2000 years ago...
 That is why they celebrate the RISING from the dead when RA is in Aries (the sun in Aries, the constellation, and also the zodiac).

The timeline is between April 12 and May 5 roughly ...
That is Ra at circa 22 Aries (the zodiac degree) and circa 15 Scorpio 
22 Aries is opposite of 24 Libra, where SPICA (ATI) is
The degree of Ati/Spica will move due to precession. 


All crowns have two ecliptics on them - the arches.

Above them, Deata (the cross = Orion) 
It means DEATA (Orion) on MC - above the head = 10th house in astrology = who RULES. SUS (thus Djed SUS means Djed on MC)

10th house for Matria esh = Gemini 3 (Bellatrix was there circa 18 degrees of precession ago. It is now at 21Gemini)
10th house for Terra = Capricorn and they use the 3rd degree (December 25 = the sun is at 3 Capricorn). 

So, all symbols use the same code.
12800 years ago (Orion conjunct Capricorn = Beetle Ham, the ''birth'')
2000 years ago (actually it is less) (Orion conjunct Gemini) ''rising from the dead''

Capricorn = MC for Terra. = SUS for Terra
Gemini = MC for Matria Esh  = SUS for Matria Esh 

SUS = above = the MC in astrology.
Matria Esh, or Matria's garden (world), VANir, HeaVEN, Rai, Atena esh > the garden of Atena > Eden, etc).
Terra (from Te Ra, the land of  Ra) is the same as Mat > Mid gard (garden, enclosure) for vikings and Capra Esh (not Khepresh, but surely you can see my point even with the wrong transliteration) was the name used  in  Egypt. Capra Esh or ''Khepresh'' means the goat's garden.
The blue crown of Egypt, Khepresh is correctly transliterated to Capra Esh. Capra = goat. Esh = garden. Capra, the goat, refers to the MC of Terra and it represents the ruler - Sata, Saturn.  The goat became god. . 

Matria Atena Atiati Freya  wore the blue crown of Egypt, which indicates she ruled the entire Capra Esh, the goat's garden, Terra, Midgard (Matgard). Since Matria Atena was present on Terra 2400 years ago - star SherATAN conjunct Aries 0, it means the civilisation was still unified then, or she unified it through war. She did wage war and had huge victories, that is why so many cities were dedicated to her name, including Rothenburg, Germany, Athens, Greece, Adana, Anatolia.

Deata > Djed > Dje 
Deata refers to Orion. 
the Djed pillar is the spine of Orion, stars Meissa and Alnilam. 
Deata SUS or Djed SUS means Djed on MC, therefore Orion conjunct the MC of a planet. 
For Matria Esh, the MC is Gemini 3.  (the Winter Solstice point)
For Terra, the MC is Capricorn 0 (the Winter Solstice point is the MC). But Terra uses Capricorn 3 (to have an astrological aspect to the ECAT of Matria Esh).

33. Capra/Ham, 33 Leo 
For  Virgo Matria  =>>>>> 12800ya, respectively the past 2000 years.

However, at Dendera only 33.6 appears.  The temple was built at least 3672 years ago.

But it is linked to the 6th great year. 
 6 and  8 (start counting windows if you seek secret codes or ''sacred'' geometry). 

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